Four Strategies for Accepting and Understanding Fears in Uncertain Times

I was in a grocery store the first time I truly stopped to acknowledge the depths of my feelings as we live through COVID-19. Surrounded by my fellow customers in homemade face masks and staring at the store’s empty shelves, I noticed tightness in my chest and shallow breathing.  My mind was racing with the worry that I would not be able to provide for my family’s needs. As so many of us are experiencing right now, this thought provoked both anxiety and fear.

This experience was a wake-up call to myself for something I had been denying ─ the true psychological impact of our current situation on society and on us as individuals. It was not until I exhibited physical symptoms (racing heart and thoughts) of my own feelings that I could fully realize – and start to mitigate – the fear and anxiety that comes with uncertainty. 

It’s time to acknowledge the real impact of what is happening in our world in this moment. Most of us have experienced personal challenges or supported loved ones through their own difficulties. Our friends and family in the healthcare professions are confronting situations they never imagined. Our lives have changed rapidly in the matter of weeks and we are facing more uncertainty than ever before. 

All of these feelings – and the physical ways they present themselves ─ are normal. The most important thing we can do is to accept our fear, explore it, understand it, and work through it. Here are some techniques to practice as you confront your own anxieties.

  • Commit to a daily practice. As our situation and the facts we are presented with evolve daily, we will likely need to check in with ourselves every day. New anxieties or fears may arise, but being mindful of our changing emotions allows us to further explore them.
  • Be kind to yourself. When we name and accept our anxiety and fear, we can explore them with curiosity and compassion. We are able to face them and understand them in the moment without negatively judging ourselves. Understanding the emotions takes away their power.
  • Check your facts. When I left the grocery store, I was able to identify the thought of not being able to provide for my family as just a thought, not a fact. I was able to get everything my family “needed” at the store, and I had the financial means to do so.  Once I “checked the facts” and could “talk back” to that thought, my related anxiety eased.  
  • Then check your breathing. Use mindful breathing skills to activate the vagus nerve, letting your brain and body know that you are safe. I have used this process daily, in addition to a number of other mindfulness skills, since the first week of sheltering in place. If you would like to learn a few of my favorite mindfulness skills, check out Knowing Yoga’s “Calming Through the Breath and Senses” on YouTube

All of our lives have changed significantly in the past month. Let’s talk about it out loud with each other. Let’s acknowledge how we feel and allow ourselves to be vulnerable. This is how we will heal and grow.

We will continue to share different mindfulness, self-care, and coping skills with you on the MJCW blog. Make sure to click the subscribe button at the top of the page to receive email alerts when a new entry is posted.  

I wish all of you moments of stillness, quiet and calm.

Andrea Cunningham, M.S., LPC-S, CYT

Mental Health Tips for Sheltering in Place

Do you feel like the carpet has been pulled out from under your feet? Do you feel like you are living in the Twilight Zone right now? Is your anxiety a little higher than you are used too? What about the fears that come along with attempting to educate your children at home? Times are so different right now. There are so many things that are out of our control and so many questions that cannot be answered. With all of the uncertainty, there are ways we can decrease our anxiety and fears and feel a small amount of control during this trying time. Effective control is an enemy of anxiety. Here are a few tips and tricks to establishing effective control. 

  • Structure is a way we can establish control. What does our day look like? Do you have at least 3 or 4 things that happen around the same time everyday? They can be very simple things like snack time for your kids, family dinner time, family TV time, bed time, or even family game time. Choose 3 or 4 things your family can count on. It makes us feel safe when there are a few things in our day that we can predict and rely on. 
  • Realistic expectations are important. Are you expecting yourself to cook three meals a day? Are you thinking your house has to be picked up and clean every second of the day? Maybe that is too much. Pick a few things your children can grab out of the fridge and make themselves. Ask your children to help you cook. Some people love to cook homemade meals, some cringe at the idea. Do what feels comfortable. Now is not the time to become a professional chef if it was never in your “toolbox” before. Schedule a certain time of day when the whole family helps with a “15 minute clean up” and call it a day. 
  • Choose a certain time that “distance learning” will start and end at your house. If your children are not done working when it is time to stop, give them a few more minutes and then have them STOP!! Our children are stressed, worried and anxious about so many things right now, school should not be one of them. Any of your child’s teachers will tell you the same thing. Our Green teachers are working so hard to make this process as smooth as possible, but we are all experiencing a learning curve. This is not the time for perfectionism, so if you notice your child is aiming for that, support them by insisting that they take care of themselves by having realistic expectations with schoolwork right now. 
  • Take time for yourself and by yourself. Our typical day, before the Coronavirus hit, probably allowed us to have at least an hour to ourselves a day. It might have been a commute to work or time at night after the kids go to sleep. Most of us do not have that time anymore. It is so important to have time alone. This is time for us to take a deep breath, collect our thoughts and practice self-care. Plan a time, each day, to take a walk, lift weights, practice yoga, take a bath, read your favorite book, or anything that is just for yourself. We are better parents, spouses, friends, and coworkers when we engage in self-care. Our children mimic our level of anxiety. If we are not taking steps to decrease our own anxiety, our children cannot be expected to decrease theirs. Right now is a wonderful time to model self-care for our children.
  • Stay socially connected. There have been so many creative ways people have stayed connected. Take advantage of them. Understanding that others are also struggling validates our feelings. Talking to a friend who is having a good day can also build hope. Reach out to family, friends and co-workers. We need each other right now.

The name of the game is to have realistic expectations, decrease the things that cause anxiety and increase the things we can effectively control. This is different for every family. Love on each other, take an extra nap, sleep in a little more or build an epic Lego tower. We will all get through this challenge & we will be stronger when it is all over. If you have additional questions or feel that you need added support, please reach out to us. WWW.MindfulJourneyCounselingandWellness.com

Be well,

Jamie Jaubert, M.A., LPC-S